Monday, June 7, 2010

Life and Death

Sunday, April 19, 2009 I was driving to my Mom and Dad's on a rainy night. I had been calling throughout the day to find out how my mom was doing. "She had a good night." "She's in a lot of pain." "She's not responding any more." "Her feet are gray and her breathing is slowing." That was the call that told me it was time to go see her. I remember wondering how much longer she had. Would I make the two hour trip in time enough to see her before she died??

About an hour into my trip, I felt a strong urge to call and check on her one more time. I called my daughter's cell answer. This told me something was up. I called my folks house. My dad answered. "Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm about an hour out. Is she gone?" I asked.

"Just come home" he responded.

"Is she gone?" I demanded.


Sunday, June 6, 2010, I got up in the morning and headed to my laptop to see what was going on in Internet land. I found out my niece's water broke. She was at the hospital and her contractions were 5 minutes apart. My first great-niece!! As I headed to church, I called my sister to see how my niece was doing. She told me the pains were about 3 minutes apart. I told her I'd check back after church to see how it's going. I called and she was still in labor and the pains were still a couple minutes apart. My husband and I decided we were heading up north to be with the family.

We made the two hour trek and waited for several hours but couldn't wait any longer and had to head back home. She was getting close but it still could be hours and we needed to get home. As we drove back home, I felt a strong urge to call my sister and check in. "I'll have to call you back, she's pushing!!"

A few minutes later, I got the call I had been waiting for...SHE'S HERE!!

To see these two stories side-by-side I began to see the awesome hand of God in life and death and how they are so similar. These were both situations where there was a struggle...each for new life. New life in this world and a new life in the kingdom of God.

I once had a chaplain supervisor who called the process of dying, birthing pains. It's so true!!

What I also found interesting was the fact that our plans, our schedules, our agendas are really not a high priority for our God. He has His plans and they will prevail...THANK GOD!!

Our God is an awesome God and I so want to see so much more of His hand in my life.

God Have Your Way!!!!


  1. How true! I wonder how similar God sees these --for believers in "reverse" of how we see them.
    Come visit; I'm having a giveaway you might like!

  2. I saw your post the other day, but I having one of those teary afternoons so I couldn't read it then. I'm glad I didn't because I know I would have cried.

    God's circle of life is so amazing. The ups and downs and tears of sadness and of joy. right before Josh died, my cousin had a baby boy four months early. It was touch and go for several days, but after my brother died, the baby got stronger and stronger. I can't say what God was doing in that situation, but I know that in time of complete sadness, we had something to rejoice over.

    Thank you for being so honest here Lauri.
