Saturday, November 28, 2009

Come on along...

It was tough deciding on a name for a blog. This is really my first attempt at such a thing. As I look at the title, I think "Walk with Lauri" reminds me of "Walk with God". Sounds kind of arrogant. Make no mistake, this lady walks with God, so when you come on my journey, we have company.

Walking with me can be an interesting journey...I tend to trip a lot. Take for instance this past September: On September 11, I was walking from the parking lot of my church to the door when the walkway to the door had an ever-so-slight raise to it that I did not see. You guessed it...KERPLOP!!! I fell on my knees. Unfortunately, my right knee took most of the blow and ended up breaking my knee cap into three pieces.

Over a period of 2 1/2 months, I have endured casts, braces, wheelchair, crutches, and surgery...not to mention an enormous amount of pain. Now I find myself trying to bend a knee that has been immobile for over two months.

When this all began, I couldn't understand why God would allow this to happen. (Note: I don't believe He caused it, but I do believe He allowed it) I know that God works to good all things to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, according to Romans 8:28, and I wanted to know NOW!!! But it hasn't been that simple. There have been so many blessings along with the struggle. I have gotten to know people at my church who have reached out to me and my husband Tony with food, emails of encouragement and prayers; I have learned of the commitment and love of my husband in a newer way; I have developed an insatiable appetite for God's word that has caused me to spend this down time studying and growing in God's truths; I have had friends from other cities go out of there way to come and see me; and God has caused me to face fears that have plagued me all my life.

This, as all accidents, was not in my plans. I am a seminary student who had very specific plans for my education and future as a chaplain and there was a time time line. But, as I hope you will see through my blog, my time line, my plans are not necessarily God's. Even though I am a student, my education goes far beyond the walls of that seminary. God is teaching me. God is my professor. God is my reason for all that I do.

I want so much for my life to honor and glorify Him. Whether I serve as a chaplain or a wife or a neighbor or simply someone standing in a grocery store checkout line, I want my life to honor Him. But, as I said before, I tend to trip...but then don't we all??

Until next time...

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