Friday, February 12, 2010

Focus of a Champion

This past Tuesday, I was watching The Biggest Loser. The contestants were taken to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado to train and eat and live with the Olympic athletes. They were taken to the dining area where very specific meals were prepared for each athlete based on the event they were training in. Some needed high calories, some needed low calories. Some needed more carbs than protein; some more protein than carbs. The training center is where the athletes spent most of their time (Duh!!). Their focus and determination without distraction was inspiring.

On a seemingly different story (they'll work together. Just stay with me) this past Wednesday I had a paper due in my Christologies of the New Testament class. I had to be at school by 2:15 and I was still writing it at 12:45 because I had wasted a lot of time over the weekend and early part of the week watching TV, sleeping, trying to read the assignment I was writing about while watching get the idea. This was not the first paper I left til the very last minute this semester. Thankfully I got an A on the first one but this one Wednesday....not so sure. I'll find out next week.

The point I'm getting at is this...I believe I've been called to be in seminary at this time in my life to train for the call God has put on my heart. Why do I take it so lightly?? This call is eternally important. To treat it with such laxidazy and disrespect is shameful. Ok...I know I'm human but so are the Olympic athletes.

II Timothy 1:7 says, "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of self-control." Some translations say self-discipline. I pray that God will help me to draw on that Spirit of self-discipline to get my focus where it needs to be.

God has entrusted all of us with our various gifts and abilities and we need to take it seriously. If we get lazy and distracted, I'm sure He can find what He needs somewhere else. We won't make the Olympics, we'll just sit at home and watch them on TV wondering what might have been.


  1. Sometimes my spirit so fights against what I need to do! It is a constant challenge for us to be disciplined, especially when other physical and spiritual difficulties are vying for our energy.
    Praying for you that you will keep your eye on the prize and have the strength to prioritize! I understand, sister!

  2. This is a hard subject!! I sometimes find that even when I'm passionate about something, I don't put as much effort into it as I should. I was thinking last night as I watched the Olympic skiers... "What do they have that I don't." We both have dreams and aspirations, but they have determination and fearlessness. I often wonder if I sabotage things by my procrastination just so I don't have to try and fail.

    Thanks for the post!

  3. Hey again,
    I hope you keep checking this, because I've got something for you at my blog!

  4. You're worrying too much. Relax... take it easy... then work like a dog to catch up! (That was my approach throughout my education. It's not pretty, it doesn't feel good, and it is not recommended by seminary staff. Sometimes, however, its the only way to feel sain through the muttled process.) You're going to be okay!

  5. Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around to get to know you more. You have a delightful and cheery spot.

