Saturday, July 3, 2010

My Heroes in the Faith

In this life, God brings many people into our path. Some of them are brothers and sisters in Christ and some are not. But the ones that are can have a profound effect on us sometimes. I have four people who come to mind that inspire me strongly in my walk with Jesus. They are people I look at and think, "When I grow up, I want to be just like them!!" They are my heroes in the faith. Two of them I know personally and the other two I only know through their ministries and work for God.

The first is a woman I have already blogged about...An Angel In Disguise. Marilyn is such an inspiration to me every time I see her. Though she continues her battle with cancer, her faith in and love for God is contagious!! She knows that the cancer is an enemy and she knows that her God is greater than that enemy. Whether she is delivered from  her battle through a supernatural healing or release from the body that has been inflitrated by it, she knows victory is hers!! I spend only a few minutes with her when I see her but I always come away with a desire to grab my Bible and know my Saviour more!!

Next is a woman I have met through seminary. She and I met last semester where we sat next to each other in a class where we were "kindred spirits" to speak. We share a lot of the same beliefs when it comes to Jesus, His sacrifice, His power, His word.... A couple of times I have met with her over coffee and was consumed by her fire for God. We talked intensely and endlessly about God. We talked about how God has worked in our lives and her story was amazing!! This is a woman who God miraculously and instantly delivered from a decades long drug addiction and 10 years of homelessness. As she told me her story, we both sat there, looking over steaming cups of coffee with tears streaming down our faces. Her faith is so contagious!! I left Starbucks that day saying, "My sister, my sister. Thank you God for my sister!!" She is my sister in Christ and I am so glad I know her!!

I have been recently reminded of another hero. Back in the '80s and 90s I often listened to a Christian artist named Jerry Williams who was lead singer for a group called Harvest. He wrote most all of the songs he sang and the lyrics expressed his faith in such a way that would make me want to fight the good fight or weep in the love that God has for me. I saw him in concert several times and every time his fire for God was all consuming and I wanted what he had. Not a wimp in any sense of the word, with a warrior mentality he was not afraid to stand up and declare his faith. He spoke of how he sought God with everything he had and how his heart was to fight for the lost. I recently discovered him on youtube and just watching him perform  I was reminded of that fire and how desperately I wanted it. Though Harvest is no longer around, I still listen to the CDs and am inspired by the Spirit behind his lyrics.

And finally, my newest discovery. Though she's been around for some time, I only just discovered her this past fall. Beth Moore. Her hunger for God's word makes me want to open my Bible and look for buried treasures...and believe me, there are plenty of them. When she shares how she sees God in her every day life through the big traumatic crises and the funny little quirky things that happen, I begin to realize all the ways God shows Himself in my own life. Her passion for the word of God and for Him is...once again...CONTAGIOUS!! She has taught me so much through her studies and has inspired me to really study for myself.

I guess we all have heroes in this life. These are a few of mine...though none are greater than the One who took His Godness, wrapped it in human flesh and walked this earth over 2000 years ago. The One who not only took on the pain and torture of a brutal death on a cross but my sins that caused His Father to look away from Him. The One who conquered sin and death FOREVER for me. No one will ever touch my life and stir my heart like He has...NO ONE.


  1. I love being around people whose faith inspires me! The Lord has been so faithful to send me precious folks who ignite something in me that is smoldering; what an encouragement that is!

  2. Lauri,
    I just found this post... not sure how I missed it. I love Beth Moore too. I just read (thanks to your advice) So Long Insecurity. That book has me written all through it.

    I'm also encouraged by Kirk Cameron. To spend your childhood in front of the camera and turn out to be so well adjusted and in love with the Lord is amazing to me. I can't wait to meet him and get his autograph in Heaven. :)

    There are many others too but these two stood out as I read your post.

    One day we'll meet up for coffee... I feel like I could tell you my whole life story and you'd understand completely.
