Saturday, August 21, 2010

Through The Eyes of My Father

Yesterday, I enjoyed a wonderful day with my daughter, Chelsi. We went to Brown County and did some shopping, walking, had a nice lunch and just enjoyed each other. As is common on such a venture, I took my camera and we got a couple pics. Here are two of them...
This is me outside a shop with a big stuffed dog (no, it's not real :))

This is Chelsi having lunch at a place called, "The Ordinary"

As most of us do, when I got home I looked at the pictures and began to pick myself apart. Noticing every flaw and staring at the pictures as I listed everything wrong with me in my head. From my weight to the signs that I'm getting older, I hacked myself apart. It left me with a feeling of shame and discouragement.

As I lay in bed last night thinking about this, I sensed God speaking to me and pointing out the things He looked at and what joy it brought Him...

  • He saw a woman thoroughly enjoying a day with her daughter.
  • He saw a mom who adores her child.
  • He saw my childlike joy when I found a statue that made me smile and that it was 50% off.
  • He saw His child laughing so hard her stomach hurt.
  • He saw His bride who, though distracted with the things around her, was still so in love with Him it was constantly on her mind and in her heart.
  • He saw His child beautifully and wonderfully made in His image.

Those are the eyes I want to see myself through. This world puts such an emphasis on the outside that, in all reality, is temporary. But God.... The next time you look at a picture of yourself and begin the demolition, remember this verse...

"...the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."      I Samuel 16:7b


  1. You're beautiful inside and out Lauri! Your daughter looks just like you too!

  2. Oh, this really spoke to me tonight. Maybe we'll get to talk about it more on Friday...
    Love you! You are truly beautiful, Lauri...I agree with Kristy...inside and out!

  3. I love this! If we only could grasp the fullness of His love, we would let go of so much junk. Been catching up on your blog today; it is always a pleasure!
