Friday, March 26, 2010

God's Rockin' the Boat!!

Today I am recovering from another bout of asthmatic bronchitis...second time this year...this month. I have a cough that sounds like a combination of a goose honk and a car that just won't start. I sound like I've been smoking my entire 45 years of life...though I don't nor have I ever smoked. I sound like that Hanna Barbera cat that laughs with a wheeze. I sound like...well. you get the idea. I have been taking prescription cough meds, prednisone, albuterol inhaler, lots of liquids...even Asian Plum white tea...and I now have my hubby heading to the store to get me some cough drops. If I talk or get active at all, the cough is stirred.

This is significant at this point in time because I have been called upon to preach the Palm Sunday sermon at my church. As the day approaches, the cough doesn't seem to want to quiet down...this actually excites me!!

I've seen God work in situations like this and  I believe this one will be no exception. I've seen God rock the boat and allow things to happen that would normally cause me to worry but then use them in such a way that I am in total awe and in no doubt that God is God and I am not.

I recall the time several years ago when I was a single mom and was working at Aetna insurance as a claims processor. I had just earned my Bachelor's degree in Christian Counseling and was working my "practice" on the side. I had a pastor overseeing me who gave me opportunities to minister in my city of Fort Wayne and in Portland, IN. My clientelle was building but not to a point where I could support myself and my daughter on the one job. I requested to go part-time at Aetna so I could do both when they decided that because I was counseling, I was in conflict of interest with my job and had to choose between the two. For me, it was a no brainer...God had called me to do what I was doing. I had just earned this degree and I was not going to throw it away for a job I wasn't that crazy about. Sounds irresponsible maybe, but I prayerfully came to this conclusion. It was scary, but then I got this surge of excitement. "Oh boy!! God's rocking the boat!!" I did end up leaving Aetna shortly after and up to the time I got married and moved to Indy, God provided for us in ways that when I look back still astound me!! I remember a year or so after I moved down here, I was looking at some of my old financial stuff from that time saying, "No way!!" God is amazing!!

So, I believe this is no different. I know God has called me to this sermon, I believe in my heart the message He wants to convey, I know I will be well able...stay tuned. I'll let you know how it goes.

Friday Follow

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Following you from Friday Follow and hope you will follow me back.

    I feel that God is going to bless you richly for following His will

  2. Hi, I am a new follower from Friday Follow, please come by anytime and follow me back. Have a nice weekend!

  3. Thanks for stopping by.. I am following you back! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  4. Good Afternoon! Happy Friday Follow on Saturday-Hoppin' when I can! I am your newest Follower!
    Have a super day and come follow my blog!

    The Groschen Goblins

  5. Thank you for stopping by arise 2 write and most especially for praying for Lisa and her family.

    I have joined to follow and look forward to getting to know you.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  6. I'm slowly making my way through the Friday Follow list - nice to meet you!

    When you have a minute, stop by mine and I hope you'll decide to follow back.

