Sunday, March 28, 2010

As Promised...

Today was the day for me to preach at my church. All week long, up to last night, I have been coughing, wheezing and last night the wheeze went into a whistle. But, this morning, I woke up feeling so much better.

It was early, 6:40 when my dog Gracie woke me up to be fed. I was wide awake and really had no desire to sleep. (Act of God right there) So, I got up and decided to spend time watching day break and drinking a cup of coffee with my God. I prayed, read His word and read some of a book I'm reading right now by Beth Moore. (So Long Insecurity) It was a good time with God and I was ready to share the message He had given me for this morning.

My daughter, Chelsi and I went to church together...because my hubby plays in the band, he has to be there earlier...and I was feeling really pretty good. No cough to speak of. I was given my cordless microphone to clip on my clothes, people were asking me if I was nervous (which I was but not real bad), I got all my stuff up at the pulpit (notes, water, Bible) I was ready to go.

When it came time to share the message, I felt a feeling I had felt the first time I ever preached; a feeling like God was pulling me aside and telling me, "Ok. Now separate yourself from your family and friends, go up there and share it like I taught you."

I can't begin to describe what it is like to be able to stand before a congregation full of people and share something that you have felt God calling you to say. To see the expressions on their faces when you tell them God loves them; to hear "amen" when you speak boldly of your faith; and to look into the smiling faces of family and friends as they encourage you. I shared the story of Jesus' final week and hours. How he loves us and longs for us to be with him throughout eternity. We laughed, cried and united during this sermon. It was great!!

The sermon wasn't as long as I think it should have been. Some may have been happy about that, others maybe not. It's tough going from preparing a 9 minute sermon for an Intro to Preaching class to a 20-30 minute sermon for a Sunday service. None the less, the message was strong and truly inspired by God.

I was honored to pray with people who came up front during the altar call. One gentleman was a Christian but just hasn't been walking the to speak. He needed forgiveness and a boost. Another was a friend of mine who was sharing some of the struggles I presented and prayed with me squeezing my hands tight. It was an awesome time!!

After the service was over, I went to talk with my daughter and gather things up and BAM!! that awful cough came back. By the time I got to the car, I needed my inhaler. Go figure. While it's not as bad as it was, it certainly was put on hold for what God called me to do.

Happy Palm Sunday everyone!! HOSANNA IN THE HIGHEST!!!


  1. I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.
    Hope you are having an awesome day.

  2. Laurie,
    That is just awesome!!!!! It doesn't matter how short the sermon is if God is speaking! Amen girl!

    Do you like So Long Insecurity? I've heard great things about it.

  3. Awesome praise report on the service :o) My hubby is a retired Army aviator, and between military service he was blessed to attend and graduate from Rhema Bible College. It was a wonderful time for our whole family, as well.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (thank you for stopping by! Come back any time. I have been out of town so am just now catching up on blog reading!)

  4. I can only imagine how you feel Lauri. Blessings to you for following God's lead. I think I have the same thing you describe. I may go get an antibiotic.

  5. You're right; there is nothing like the Word coming through you. It is to know the favor of God. What a blessing for you!
    I've gotten terribly sick after speaking each time. So far, I'm not sick after this weekend, but a friend reminded me to seek intercessors who will specifically pray for me and my family after each talk. I had not really thought of that before.
