Tuesday, February 1, 2011

All Powers Be Duly Informed

Ephesians 4
v. 30: And don't grieve God's Holy Spirit, Who sealed you for the day of redemption.

We are sealed by God's Holy Spirit. When I think of that, I think of my Bachelor's degree that was sealed  by Florida Christian University; or my marriage certificate that was sealed by the State of Indiana. Those seals make those documents legal, legitimate, and authentic. Without the seal, they are just a piece of paper. Not legally binding, not legitimate and not authentic.

But then, when I think further about "seal", I think of being closed tight, unable to open, sealed shut. Beth Moore referred to this kind of seal when she suggested that a Christian, sealed by the Holy Spirit cannot be possessed by a demon. Oppressed? Yes. Possessed? No.

So, which is it??

I did a little research on seals in Ancient Rome, and I learned about a signet ring worn by men of authority and royalty. This ring had a design on it that was exclusive to that man. It was used to make an impression, or seal on not only documents but possessions as well. It was a seal to show authenticity or ownership.

Bible History Online says:

"The signet makes a deep impression in clay forming an official seal. The imprinted seal carries the full authority of the office it represents and no one dare question it. (emphasis mine) His design is well known, his symbol without any doubt authentic, his mark indelibly declares the full authority of royal ownership. There is the pain of death to those who validate it." (emphasis mine) *

Considering the fact that Paul wrote this in the time of Ancient Rome, it seems obvious this must have been the type of seal he was referring to a seal of royal ownership.

Bible History online continues:

"In scripture we find, somehow we are sealed. A metaphor which would ring powerfully to those under Roman rule. Yet God's sealing is never coercive. Never forced. A free will decision is made. An imprint is then formed within us. Our souls bear His mark, His letters, His image and all powers are duly informed, we belong to God." *

The seal of the Holy Spirit is on all of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of our life; to those of us who have confessed and repented of our sins and have dropped to our knees in worship to Jesus as the Lord of our life. The Holy Spirit has impressed the seal of God's letter, God's image on our souls.

All powers are duly informed...

We Belong To God!!

1 comment:

  1. Laurie,
    I love this reminder!!! That I belong to someone much more powerful than myself!

    Glad to see you're back!!
