Sunday, December 20, 2009

I've just seen Jesus...

As I begin to write this post, I must admit, I have been struggling most of the afternoon with how to possibly put words to the story I'm about to tell. I don't want to misrepresent the facts. I don't want to minimize God's work. I don't want it to be at all about me...because it's not. I ask that you read this story with the understanding that this is about the glory, power and love of Almighty God.

On September 19th of this year, a member of our church family was riding his bicycle home very early in the morning when he was struck by a hit and run driver. 28 year old Nic Nihiser was in grave condition when he was brought to Methodist Hospital. His head recieved such trauma that his brain was actually on the street. For several weeks, decisions had to be made in regards to his care by his parents and the prognosis did not look good. But, Nic's family and friends would not give up on a miracle. Prayers, prayer vigils, fund raisers and food brought to the hospital for the family were constantly flowing and surrounding Nic and his family with the love of God.

Since that time, we have gotten updates like: The swelling in Nic's brain has gone down; Nic opened his eyes and squeezed his mom's hand; Nic spoke; Nic is entering rehab. And now just 3 months after the accident, Nic is going home. It's been an absolutely amazing process to hear about. We were told that the doctor's were amazed as they had not given him much hope of recovery. While it is understood that Nic has a long way to go, he has definitely come a long way.

Today at our Sunday morning service, we celebrated the joy and gift of Christmas. It was a service of music and worship. Pastor John gave a devotional near the end and invited people to come forward to accept Christ or recieve prayer. As we sang, "Jesus Messiah" I noticed the people behind me stepping into the aisle and heading toward the front. As I watched them pass, I saw a middle aged couple walking on either side of a young man who was obviously disabled but they walked people began was Nic. Nic and his parents went up to the front for prayer. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

As I watched this young man walk to the front of the church, parents holding onto him, I realized I was watching a miracle. I realized I was looking at the hand of Jesus. Our church truly became a family rejoicing in the love of our Father. We knew where Nic had been and we saw the love of God all over him.

Jesus Messiah
Name above all names
Blessed redeemer
Emmanuel (God with us!!)


  1. I got the chills when I read this. What a blessing to see all those prayers answered!
